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Please tell me when will you update the next time?


We're currently 30% done with chapter 2. Id imagine we'll release late July or early August.


are there gonna be any actions or choices the player can actually make to affect the story or is it just a set in stone story line / visual novel kinda thing?

It's a kinetic novel so there won't be any choices.


ah okay. Still really good just a lil harder to sit through ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Although the graphics are very beautiful, but it is actually too heavy compared to the current content of the game, it is hard to evaluate it is good or bad because it has just begun to develop. Honestly, you should optimize your image files, 2.4 GB for that content, it's crazy. 

9/10 points. Great to try and follow.


This game is awesome. When will the next version be released

We're shooting for updates every 6-8 weeks at the latest




Since you people are the ones who made Contagion crisis then one question what if you include a nudity mode where the main character will remain naked while still battling the naked zombies 

or at least another game with naked women battling naked monsters in a jungle 

I responded to this over discord but this isn't something we'll be doing for this game but we could consider it for a future game

as i said in discord fair enough I guess

(1 edit) (+1)

Back just late enough to realize there's a new update (Oops lol) and so far, it holds up just as good as the first part (I'm at the scene after the work call) Truly love your work and writing so far and i cant wait for what's in store next! (I will not recover if anything happens to Sarah or Ava)

[This is truly a sad day...]


Thank you! Glad you're enjoying the ride thus far!


Just finished playing this version of the game. I liked it! I like this style of art a lot better than the other one and it was a sexy good time. Pretty good dialog and characters so far.

Only critique I could give might be to make the darker scenes a little bit brighter (trying not to give spoilers). It was really hard to see anything in some of the shots where it's nearly entirely black.

Other than that, good job! Following this project.

Feel free to join the discord and give feedback to which specific scenes and we can see what we can do